Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Task 4: Topic sentences, Supporting sentences and Concluding sentences.

As we know, writing process is a paragraph that consists of topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences.
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It gives the main idea of the paragraph.
It will helps you to generate and control your information. An effective topic sentence will help the reader to understand your main idea easily.

There are many different ways of using eggs in cooking.

A supporting sentence will support the topic sentence which is the main idea.

1. They can be boiled lightly and eaten with toast.

2. Hard boiled eggs are good for picnics, sandwiches or use in salads.

3. Fried, poached and scrambled eggs are commonly eaten at breakfast,
    while an omelette provides a light and nourishing meal at any time.

4. For an exotic touch, eggs can be curried or used in sauces such as
    mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.

5. To give lightness and substance, eggs are usually added to cakes and

A concluding sentence is the sum up of the paragraph and to tell the reader that you have finished your discussion.

There are few foods that are as nourishing and versatile as eggs.

Notes on the stages of 'Writing Process', topic sentence, supporting sentence and concluding sentences.

The P.I.E. Paragraph:

What is the point of this paragraph?
What claim is being made?
Often, the point is the TOPIC SENTENCE.

How is the point supported with specific data, 
experiences, or other factual material? The information is the evidence
used to support/develop the point.

What does the provided information mean?
The explanation is the writer’s analysis, 
elaboration, evaluation of the point and information given, connecting the
information with the point (topic sentence) and the thesis.

a) Topic Sentences - A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main idea of a paragraph. It tells the reader what to expect about the information that will follow. Without the use of a topic sentence, developing a paragraph can be extremely difficult. Topic sentences can appear at several points in a paragraph:
the beginning of the paragraph
the middle of the paragraph
the end of the paragraph
the beginning and the end of the paragraph.

b) Supporting Sentences - A supporting sentence or ideas for information is to support the topic sentence which is the main idea. In the supporting sentences, you should include information from the readings or class discussions such as paraphrases or, occasionally, short quotes. Then, you can also include definitions from the dictionary, the readings, or another source. Overall, you can include any information that will support your main idea.

c) Concluding Sentences - A concluding sentences is ideas for explanation that interpret, analyze, explain the information, opinion, or quote that you have included. You will suggest to your reader how the information that you have included related to your TOPIC.

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