Love is some kind of natural gift from God. It is special and unique feeling that everyone deserve to experience of their own because love is something that cannot be seen, hear, smell, touch or taste. We can only feel it as best we can. Love is also unpredictable. We don't know when it will hit ourselves or when it won't. It"ll just happen. We can't wait for love and strive hard to find it. Just try, but don't put all in it. Cause love will want to hit ourselves when we are least expecting it. When we are in love with someone don't try to please them and don't buy fancy things or anything materialistic just love them as best we can. If we find someone that we love deeply but we can't have, all we can do is be happy for them. Don't try to win them over because if we really love them, we will let them be happy. Whatever that happiness may be. Love not just exist to people but also the other living things such as animals and plants. Whatever love is, for me love is something that is very powerful because sometimes it can hurt our hearts and feel like want to kill yourself but love is the only thing in this world that keeps mankind together. It is what's holding us together. There is no end. So don't mess around with love.
Notes and Samples of Listing, Bubbling and Brainstorming.
Prewriting is important because it helps you generate ideas for writing. One popular technique is listing. One reason that this technique is popular with writers is that we use list-making skills often in our everyday lives. Many people make lists of grocery items before going to the supermarket, and others make lists of "things to do," like homework assignments and chores. Writers also make lists throughout the writing process, especially during prewriting. Lists not only help writers generate topics, but lists can be useful to help create main points and key details. As with other prewriting strategies discussed in The Writer's Warehouse, you should experiment with listing throughout your writing to find when this strategy works best for you. When listing, don't be too concerned about detail and development simply jot down your thoughts one after the other until you run out of ideas. The simplest way to list is to write one thought down after another, separating your thoughts with line breaks. Feel free to number your list or double-space between items to allow more room to develop your list.
Bubbling, like freewriting above, is a great technique when you have not yet developed a clear idea of where you are going with your topic. This is also a great technique for people who are visual learners. Here's how it works: pick a word or phrase related to your topic. For example, let's look at how the topic of obesity in children could be explored in bubbling. You might start with that phrase: obesity in children. Draw a circle and put that phrase in it.
Much like freewriting, brainstorming involves capturing all of the
thoughts, ideas, and fragments in your head and writing them down on
paper. Often, brainstorming looks more like a list while freewriting may
look more like a paragraph.With either strategy, your goal is to get
as many ideas down on paper as you can.
Example: Environment
Alternative fuels
Hybrid cars
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