Sunday, 25 November 2012

Task 9


1.Skimming and scanning are especially valuable when there is only one item of information that you need to find from a particular passage.

2.Skimming and scanning are very rapid reading methods in which you glance at a passage to find specific information. These reading methods make it easier for you to grasp large amounts of material, especially when you're previewing. They are also useful when you don't need to know every word.

What is scanning?
Scanning refers to reading a text quickly in order to locate specific pieces of information.
When scanning,
    • don't start from the beginning and read to the end.
    • jump around in the text, trying to find the information you need.
    • can't read every word/skip many words.
    • look for information as quickly as you can.
You can scan,
    • a table of contents in a book or magazine.
    • an index in a textbook.
    • a timetable.
    • the ads in a newspaper.
    • a list of movies in the newspaper.
    • a telephone book the page of a dictionary.
    • a passage/text/article to quickly find the information mentioned in the question.

What is skimming?
Skimming refers to reading a paragraph quickly to get an idea of what it is about, without trying to understand its details.
  • this is a technique used to identify the main ideas of a text.
When skimming, 
    • don't read every thing but try to skip the text.
    • read the first and last sentences of paragraphs.
    • read the introduction and the summary.
    • read a few examples until you understand the concepts they are meant to illustrate.
When skimming a textbook,
    • quickly note the title, subheadings, italicized words.
    • bold faces prints and illustrations.

A Lie detector has been introduced in Britain. The various ways in which this machine can be used is it works by voice analysis and without a subject's knowledge. Besides, to the normally understood voice generation mechanisms. In addition, Dektor emphasises that the device shows only stress, not dishonesty. Moreover, the devices is used for pre-employment interviews. The objections to its use is there seems no law to prevent it use. In the Us, where lie detectors of all sorts are much more widely used, Senator Sam J. Ervin has introduced a bill to virtually prohibit their use by private companies.

Task 8


STEP 1 (Free Writing) before editing.

My Grandmother
  My grandmother. She was a good cook. The best cook. Every weekend we have a big dinner. With big, big, bowls of food. Lots of talking. Everybody in the family there. Every time we eat the same food, but we always love it. Is our favorite meal. She never mad at us. She always defends us when we are in trouble with our parents. One time I picked all the roses in her garden. She not even mad then. Grandmother kind and generous. She gives food to poor people. She never makes them feel bad about taking it. Makes people feel good, just as she made me feel good when I picked all the roses. Thanked me for the beautiful bouquet. Mother really angry. Grandmother always forgives. Forgiving heart.

STEP 1 (Free Writing) after editing.

My Grandmother
  My grandmother. She was a good cook. The best cook. Every weekend we have a big dinner. With big, big, bowls of food. Lots of talking. Everybody in the family there. Every time we eat the same food, but we always love it. Is our favorite meal. She never mad at us. She always defends us when we are in trouble with our parents. One time I picked all the roses in her garden. She not even mad then. [Grandmother kind and generous.] She gives food to poor people. She never makes them feel bad about taking it. Makes people feel good, just as she made me feel good when I picked all the roses. Thanked me for the beautiful bouquet. Mother really angry. Grandmother always forgives. Forgiving heart.

STEP 2 (Write the first draft)
  • Write your paragraph in rough form.
  • Don’t worry about the errors.
My Grandmother
        My grandmother kind and generous. She never mad at us. She always makes people feel good. One time I picked all the roses in her garden. She not mad even then. She made me feel good. Thanked me for the beautiful bouquet. Grandmother gives food to poor people. She never makes them feel bad about taking it. Makes people feel good, just as she made me feel good when I picked all the roses. Grandmother always forgive. Forgiving heart.

STEP 3 (Edit the first draft)
  • This is when you start to edit the 1st draft.
  • You need to check & make changes & corrections.
  • There are 2 steps:
  • STEP   A
    • You check the paragraph as a whole.
    • Is the meaning clear?
  • STEP   B
    • Check the paragraph for good form, organization, grammar, punctuation, spelling & etc.

STEP 4 (Write the final copy)
  •  You write a neat final copy of your paragraph to hand in to your lecturer.
My Grandmother.
        My grandmother is kind and generous. She always makes people feel good. One time, I picked all the roses in her garden. She wasn’t mad even then. She thanked me for giving her a beautiful bouquet. Grandmother also gives food to poor people. She never makes them feel bad about taking it. She makes them feel good, just as she made me feel good when I picked all the roses. I will always remember my grandmother’s kindness and generosity. 

"The Pursuit of Happyness"

The Pursuit of Happyness, is story about a Chris Gardner is a bright and talented but marginally employed salesman. Besides, Chris Gardner is a family man struggling. Despite his valiant attempts to help keep the family afloat, while his wife Thandie Newton and his five years old son named as a Christopher is buckling under the constant strain of financial pressure. No longer able to cope, she reluctantly decides to leave. After his wife leaved him, Chris became a single father, continues doggedly to pursue a better paying job using every sales skill he knows. He lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, and although there is no salary, he accepts, hopeful he will end the program with a job and a promising future. Without a financial cushion, Chris and his son are soon evicted from their apartment and forced to sleep in shelters, bus stations, bathrooms, or wherever they can find refuge for the night. Therefore, to despite his troubles, Chris continues to honor his commitment as a loving and caring father, using the affection and trust his son has placed in him as an impetus to overcome the obstacles he faces. If i were a main character in this story, I'll never ever give up to build up my family happiness. I want my family get a blast happiness beside me. I will always try my best in order to give a comfortable life for my family. Moreover, if i in his situation, I will use all my knowledge to some useful job, and establish some business that could help me to change my life and my family.

Task 7


The terms, roles of literary devices and imagery

~Use a little figurative language to add interest to your story.



~Comparison between two unlike things that have something in common using 

  like or as.


  *It's been a hard day's night and I've been working like a dog. - The Beatles.
  *My heart is like an open highway. - Jon Bon Jovi.
  *as hungry as a bear.
  *as nutty as a fruitcake.
  *as quick as lightning.


~Comparison between two unlike things that have something in common 
  without using like or as.

  *Patty was a raging tiger when she lost her lunch money.
  *During the night the forest was a dark, frightening battlefield.


~Repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring 
 words or syllables.
  *down in the dumps.
  *do or die.
  *right as rain.
  *sink or swim.
  *pay the price.
  *back to the basics.
  *green as grass.
  *live the life.


~The imitation of natural sounds in word form. These words help us form 
  mental pictures about the things, people, or places that are described.



~A hyperbole is a figure of speech in which an overstatement or exaggeration occurs. Often used in poetry or in casual speech, hyperboles are usually used to create emphasis or effect.

~Ex: The bag weighs a ton. 

~Personification is a figure of speech where something nonhuman is given the characteristics of a human.
~Ex: *The camera loves me.
       *The flowers begged for water.

Task 6


1. NOUN.
 ~Words used as the names of persons/ things/ places.  
 ~Note: The word thing includes all objects which we can SEE, HEAR, TASTE, 
 ~4 types of nouns: 
  *Common Nouns. 
    Ex: wallet, ball, table, chair, book, college, glass, girl.
  *Proper Nouns. 
    Ex: Haikal, Britney, Klang, Astro, Petronas, Nokia, Gucci.   
  *Collective Nouns. 
    Ex: a school of fish, a herd of cows, a box of chocolates, a team of players.
  *Abstract Nouns.  
    Ex: sad, plagiarism, cooperation, honesty.

 ~Defined as a word which can be used instead of a noun.
 ~We use pronouns very often, especially so that we do not have to keep on
   repeating a noun.
 ~Words that take the place of nouns.
 ~3 levels:-
   *1st person (I, We)
   *2nd person (You)
   *3rd person (He, She, It) 
   Ex: Johan is a boy. He studies in our school.


  ~A word that describes or tells us more about a noun.
  ~Gives some idea of what the noun is like.
  ~Adjectives are said to qualify nouns.
  ~Ex: a) Shana is a clever girl.
          b)Manchester United displayed great team spirit.
4. VERB.
 ~Occur at the center of the predicate.
  ~The main part of a sentence.
  ~May denote actions or states of being.
  ~A verb is a doing word.
  ~ex: a) We saw the cricket match.
         b)She runs as fast as Usain Bolt.
  ~Provides information about the verb/adjective or another adverb.
~Most adverbs end in ‘-ly’ but not all.
~Generally there are 5 types:-
    *Adverb of Manner.
      These adverbs tell us how something is done.
      ex: a) He worked systematically.
           b) He plays tennis well
    *Adverb of Place.
      These adverbs tell us where the action takes place.
      ex: a) The manager is there.
           b) He is going abroad this year.
    *Adverb of Time.
      These adverbs tell us when the action takes place.
      ex: a) He will be arriving tomorrow.
           b) Negotiations have now begun.
    *Adverb of Degree.
      These adverbs tell us the degree to which the action takes place.
      ex: a) I quite like her.
           b) It is a very hot day.
    *Adverb Expressing Emphasis.
      These adverbs emphasizes the action taking place.
      ex: a) The train is certainly going to be late.
           b) You are absolutely right about this.

  ~Express a relation between 2 entities; the prepositional complement and 
   another part of the sentence.
  ~“Pre-position” = placed before.
  ~Used to indicate position, time, duration, location, etc.
  ~Usually placed before a noun.

 ~They are joining words.  
 ~They may link words, phrases, clauses or sentences.  
 ~Join two ideas.  
 ~ex: a) I like to read books and magazines.  
        b) He is my friend but your enemy.   

 ~A word which expresses sudden feelings of joy, sorrow or surprise.  
 ~Expressions which deal with emotions.  
 ~ex: a) Hooray! We won the match.  
        b) Alas! Her only son is dead. 
 ~ex: a) The books are on the table. 
        b) The couple rested under the tree. 

The common mistakes that i always do in writing is a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Sometimes i don't sure about the grammar that i had written. I got confused with the use of present tense and past tense. I am not sure which one i should use in my writing. For example, the use of "have, has and had". No matter how much i try, i always end up making more mistakes and it caused me to lose ideas. Furthermore, i also have trouble in spelling because the pronunciation in English is sometimes different with the spelling that's why i always repeating the same words. 

Is it writing in English is difficult? well, no. I'm not saying it is easy too. It depends on how much we know about the English language. It will be easy if i practice writing a lot in order to learn and avoid from making much grammar mistakes. The problem is i rarely practice in writing. I only write when i need to. If not, i will not going to practice writing my essay. When i write, i use my instinct to write and use the words which is far too simple. When I'm stuck with vocabulary, i will just simply skip it since i can't write it out.

The kind of problem i faced when start writing is i do not know where to start. There are so much ideas in my mind but they would not come out when i want to start writing and it will stuck on my mind. My suggestions to overcome the problem is to let myself reading more English books and try to discover the tips on how to create good sentences. Besides that, listen to English songs and watch English movies more often will make me get used to the language. I believe it is a fun way to learn English. Last but not least, i think that practice to speak and write in English will help me improve my English skills and also help generate ideas in writing. The important thing is to practice because practice makes perfect.

Task 5



Nonpoint sources are sources that cannot be traced to a single site of discharge.
Examples of point sources are: factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and agriculture.
Examples of nonpoint sources are: acid deposition from the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and pollutants that enter the water through groundwater.
Nonpoint pollution is hard to control because the perpetrators cannot be traced.

Read more:
Nonpoint sources are sources that cannot be traced to a single site of discharge.
Examples of point sources are: factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and agriculture.
Examples of nonpoint sources are: acid deposition from the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and pollutants that enter the water through groundwater.
Nonpoint pollution is hard to control because the perpetrators cannot be traced.

Read more:

    Charity for the poor works to the interest of society. Charity helps poor people eat better, have a shelter and medicine so that they live better lives. Without charity the poor may not find basic resources to get by in life. As a consequence of being left alone with their misfortune--hungry, ill and homeless--poor people may contract diseases, die early, and engage in crimes. Most likely, they become bad role models for their children, too. These end-results harm a society.

Topic sentence.
Charity for the poor works to the interest of society.

Supporting sentence.
Charity helps poor people eat better, have a shelter and medicine so that they live better lives. Without charity the poor may not find basic resources to get by in life. As a consequence of being left alone with their misfortune--hungry, ill and homeless--poor people may contract diseases, die early, and engage in crimes. Most likely, they become bad role models for their children, too.

Concluding sentence.
These end-results harm a society.

    My brother has some disgusting and inconsiderate habits. He loves to chew on toothpicks. That would not be so bad if he didn’t leave them lying all over the house. Sometimes they even get stuck in the carpet. Another bad habit he has is walking through the house with his muddy boots. He will walk right across a freshly washed floor. He will take his boots off and leave them in the middle of the floor for everyone to trip over. He leaves hair all over the shower and the soap. He doesn’t bother to rinse the shower out or to rinse the soap off. This is inconsiderate because everyone else has to use the shower too. If my brother lived alone, he could be the slob that he is without anyone else caring, but since he lives with other people, it would help if he showed a little more consideration for his family!

Topic sentence.
My brother has some disgusting and inconsiderate habits. He loves to chew on toothpicks

Supporting sentence.
That would not be so bad if he didn’t leave them lying all over the house. Sometimes they even get stuck in the carpet. Another bad habit he has is walking through the house with his muddy boots. He will walk right across a freshly washed floor. He will take his boots off and leave them in the middle of the floor for everyone to trip over. He leaves hair all over the shower and the soap. He doesn’t bother to rinse the shower out or to rinse the soap off. This is inconsiderate because everyone else has to use the shower too.

Concluding sentence.
If my brother lived alone, he could be the slob that he is without anyone else caring, but since he lives with other people, it would help if he showed a little more consideration for his family!

     Water pollution is any chemical, physical, or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effects on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives in it. When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on their health. Water pollution is usually caused by human activities. Different human sources add to the pollution of water. There are two sorts of sources, point and nonpoint sources. Point sources discharge pollutants at specific locations through pipelines or sewers into the surface water. Nonpoint sources are sources that cannot be traced to a single site of discharge. Examples of point sources are factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and agriculture while examples of nonpoint sources are acid deposition from the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and pollutants that enter the water through groundwater. Nonpoint pollution is hard to control because the perpetrators cannot be traced. 

     There are several classes of water pollutants. The first are disease causing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage systems and untreated waste. A second category of water pollutants is water soluble inorganic pollutants, such as acids, salts and toxic metals. Large quantities of these compounds will make water unfit to drink and will cause the death of aquatic life. A third class of water pollutants is oxygen demanding wastes, wastes that can be decomposed by oxygen requiring bacteria. When large populations of decomposing bacteria are converting these wastes it can deplete oxygen levels in the water. This causes other organisms in the water, such as fish, to die. Another class of water pollutants are nutrients. They are water soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the water's oxygen supply. This kills fish and when found in drinking water, can kill young children. 

     Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water. A very dangerous category is suspended sediment, because it causes depletion in the water's light absorption and the particles spread dangerous compounds can cause cancer, birth defects and genetic damage and are thus very dangerous water pollutants.

      In conclusion, I think that water pollution is, without a doubt, a huge problem in today’s society. If we do not take action now this could lead to bad news for everyone in many ways. Our drinking water will be affected and our aquatic organism will be affected, which will eventually be a risk for humans in many ways. I think that more people should be concerned with this topic and how they greatly affect our everyday lives. People should stop taking what they have for granted and try to help stop this enormous problem before it is too late.

Topic sentence.
Water pollution is any chemical, physical, or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effects on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives in it.

Supporting sentence.
When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on their health. Water pollution is usually caused by human activities. Different human sources add to the pollution of water. There are two sorts of sources, point and nonpoint sources. Point sources discharge pollutants at specific locations through pipelines or sewers into the surface water. Nonpoint sources are sources that cannot be traced to a single site of discharge. Examples of point sources are factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and agriculture while examples of nonpoint sources are acid deposition from the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and pollutants that enter the water through groundwater. Nonpoint pollution is hard to control because the perpetrators cannot be traced.
There are several classes of water pollutants. The first are disease causing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage systems and untreated waste. A second category of water pollutants is water soluble inorganic pollutants, such as acids, salts and toxic metals. Large quantities of these compounds will make water unfit to drink and will cause the death of aquatic life. A third class of water pollutants is oxygen demanding wastes, wastes that can be decomposed by oxygen requiring bacteria. When large populations of decomposing bacteria are converting these wastes it can deplete oxygen levels in the water. This causes other organisms in the water, such as fish, to die. Another class of water pollutants are nutrients. They are water soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the water's oxygen supply. This kills fish and when found in drinking water, can kill young children.
Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water. A very dangerous category is suspended sediment, because it causes depletion in the water's light absorption and the particles spread dangerous compounds can cause cancer, birth defects and genetic damage and are thus very dangerous water pollutants.

Concluding sentence.
In conclusion, I think that water pollution is, without a doubt, a huge problem in today’s society. If we do not take action now this could lead to bad news for everyone in many ways. Our drinking water will be affected and our aquatic organism will be affected, which will eventually be a risk for humans in many ways. I think that more people should be concerned with this topic and how they greatly affect our everyday lives. People should stop taking what they have for granted and try to help stop this enormous problem before it is too late.