1. NOUN.
~Words used as the names of persons/ things/ places.
~Note: The word thing includes all objects which we can SEE, HEAR, TASTE,
~4 types of nouns:
*Common Nouns.
Ex: wallet, ball, table, chair, book, college, glass, girl.
*Proper Nouns.
Ex: Haikal, Britney, Klang, Astro, Petronas, Nokia, Gucci.
*Collective Nouns.
Ex: a school of fish, a herd of cows, a box of chocolates, a team of players.
*Abstract Nouns.
Ex: sad, plagiarism, cooperation, honesty.
~Defined as a word which can be used instead of a noun.
~We use pronouns very often, especially so that we do not have to keep on
repeating a noun.
~Words that take the place of nouns.
~3 levels:-
*1st person (I, We)
*2nd person (You)
*3rd person (He, She, It)
Ex: Johan is a boy. He studies in our school.
~A word that describes or tells us more about a noun.
~Gives some idea of what the noun is like.
~Adjectives are said to qualify nouns.
~Ex: a) Shana is a clever girl.
b)Manchester United displayed great team spirit.
4. VERB.
~Occur at the center of the
~The main part of a sentence.
~May denote actions or states of being.
~A verb is a doing word.
~ex: a) We saw the cricket match.
b)She runs as fast as Usain Bolt.
information about the verb/adjective or another adverb.
~Most adverbs end in ‘-ly’ but not
~Generally there are 5 types:-
*Adverb of Manner.
These adverbs tell us how something is done.
ex: a) He worked systematically.
b) He plays tennis well.
*Adverb of Place.
These adverbs tell us where the action takes place.
ex: a) The manager is there.
b) He is going abroad this
*Adverb of Time.
These adverbs tell us when the action takes place.
ex: a) He will be arriving tomorrow.
b) Negotiations have now
*Adverb of Degree.
These adverbs tell us the degree to which the action takes place.
ex: a) I quite like her.
b) It is a very hot day.
*Adverb Expressing Emphasis.
These adverbs emphasizes the action taking place.
ex: a) The train is certainly going to be late.
b) You are absolutely right about
~Express a relation between 2 entities; the prepositional complement and
another part of the sentence.
~“Pre-position” = placed before.
~Used to indicate position, time, duration, location, etc.
~Usually placed before a noun.
~They are joining words.
~They may link words, phrases, clauses or sentences.
~Join two ideas.
~ex: a) I like to read books and magazines.
b) He is my friend but your enemy.
~A word which expresses sudden feelings of joy, sorrow or surprise.
~Expressions which deal with emotions.
~ex: a) Hooray! We won the match.
b) Alas! Her only son is dead.
~ex: a) The books are on the table.
b) The couple rested under the tree.
The common mistakes that i always do in writing is a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Sometimes i don't sure about the grammar that i had written. I got confused with the use of present tense and past tense. I am not sure which one i should use in my writing. For example, the use of "have, has and had". No matter how much i try, i
always end up making more mistakes and it caused me to
lose ideas. Furthermore, i also have trouble in spelling because the pronunciation in English is sometimes different with the spelling that's why i always repeating the same words.
Is it writing in English is
difficult? well, no. I'm not saying it is easy too. It depends on how
much we know about the English language. It will be easy if i practice writing a lot in order to learn and avoid from making much grammar mistakes. The problem is i rarely practice in writing. I only write when i need to. If not, i will not going to practice writing my essay. When i write, i use my instinct to write and use the words which is far too simple. When
I'm stuck with vocabulary, i will just simply skip it since i can't
write it out.
The kind of problem i faced when start writing is i do not know where to start. There are so much ideas in my mind but they would not come out when i want to start writing and it will stuck on my mind. My suggestions to overcome the problem is to let myself
reading more English books and try to discover the tips on how to
create good sentences. Besides that, listen to English songs and watch
English movies more often will make me get used to the language. I
believe it is a fun way to learn English. Last but not least, i think that practice to speak and write in English will help me improve my English skills and also help generate ideas in writing. The important thing is to practice because practice makes perfect.